some cliches under a colorfull hat
-nice graphic and animation
-overused story:
we have all the cliche from 10 bads movies actions in one flash, from the overused grenade in the tank, to the harsh dad letting his son alone, plus the basic warrior team with the usual black man doing nothing, plus the bad guys acting stupidly traitorous and arrogant and having his ass kicked, the nice boy being kicked by some fraternity guys.... so much i cant even list all thoses stupids scene we already saw thousand of time
-not a game, and barelly cant make a good one with 5 minutes of waiting before each player choice.
I liked a lot the previous games in the serie: we were playing a bad guy doing bad stuff to baddies ... with style.
But u're turning a great concept into some shitty movie where the nice graphics cant take these pitiful story up.
Please stay true to youself, keep the hero non-speaking, and drop those pathetics feeling u're trying to put in.
In a matter of fact all these can only work with some player interraction: if the player can choose between putting a grenade in the tank or run away, it works perfectly. As a non-interractiv movie it just look boring. I hope u'll turn these into a game with very few explanation scenes.
btw the arabic voice sound so much japanese (or at least asiatic) that i couldnt tell if it was the gulf war or the vietnam war. If u wanna shine with such foreing tongue subtitle trick(such a cliche also), do it well.
Good luck for the final version and gratz for u're graphical work.